Thursday, September 27, 2018


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In this review, we shall be examining the various key players in the aviation industry in Nigeria, their functions, and their structures.
In Nigeria, there are six (6) regulatory bodies including  the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority.

 Headed By:  A Director-General
 Current Director: Capt. Musa Nuhu.
The primary regulatory agency in the Nigerian aviation sector empowered by the 2006 Civil Aviation Act. Its functions are "to regulate aviation safety, air navigation in Nigeria without political interference and also to carry out oversight functions of airports, airspace, meteorological services as well as economic regulations of the aviation industry."

  Other functions include the:

  •        Regulation of aircraft operations;
  •        Monitoring of aircraft operating environment for safety and security;
  •       Regulating the method of entry and conduct of air transport business;
  •      Advising the ministry and the government on policy formulation on aviation-related matters;
  •      Licensing of Aviation Personnel and Aviation Training Institution; and
  •      Enforcement of aviation rules and regulations in line with ICAO SARPs.
Its powers include:
  • Registration and inspection of aircraft in Nigeria;
  • Issuance, validation, renewal, extension or variation of certificates and licenses;
  • Inspection and regulation of aerodromes and aircraft factories; and
  • Personnel licensing.
The Authority is further empowered to make regulations with regard to civil aviation generally.
The Civil Aviation Act gives the Minister for civil aviation, supervisory authority over the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority. 
The minister is responsible for the formulation of policies and strategies for the promotion and encouragement of civil aviation in Nigeria and empowered to give directions to the authority on certain matters specified in the Act. 

The next Agency is the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria

Headed By: A Managing Director
Current Director: Capt. Rabiu Hamisu
The Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria, established by the Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria Act 1996 is the body responsible for maintaining and managing airports in Nigeria. 

Its principal functions include the "development, provision and maintenance of all necessary services and facilities at airports and within the Nigerian airspace, for the safe, orderly and economic operation of air transport."

 It is a service provider statutorily charged to manage all commercial airports in Nigeria and to provide services to both passengers and airlines.

  Other functions are: 

•To develop, provide and maintain Airports and its facilities;

•To charge for services provided by the authority at airports;

•To provide adequate conditions under which passengers and goods may be carried by air and under which aircraft may be used for other gainful purposes;

•To provide accommodation and other facilities for the effective handling of passengers and freight;

•To provide adequate facilities and personnel for effective security at all airport;

•To carry out at the airports (either by itself or by an agent or in partnership with any other person) economic activities that are relevant to airport; and

•To develop and provide facilities for surface transportation within the airport.

The next Agency is the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency

Headed By: A Managing Director
Current Director: Capt. Fola Akintuotu.
NAMA is a service provider statutorily charged to provide air navigation services with the mandate to manage the Nigerian airspace to a level consistent with ICAO SARPs.

Its functions are to:

•Provide air traffic services in Nigeria, including air traffic control, visual and non-visual aids and aeronautical telecommunication services;

•Provide navigation services necessary for the operation of aircraft taking-off and landing and integrate them into the overall of air traffic within the Nigerian airspace

•Minimize or prevent interference with the use or effectiveness of all apparatus used in connection with air navigation and for prohibiting or regulating the use of all such apparatus and display of signs and lights liable to endanger aircraft and endanger the use of Nigerian airspace;

•Generally secure the safety, efficiency and regularity of air navigation;

•Provide adequate facilities and personnel for effective security of navigational aids outside the airport perimeters;

•Procure, install and maintain adequate communication, navigation and surveillance and air traffic management facilities at all airports in Nigeria;

•Ensure an effective coordination in the use of Nigerian airspace in line with established.

Headed By: A Commissioner
Current Commissioner: Engr. Akin Olateru
This Agency is charged with the responsibility for the investigation of civil aircraft accidents and serious incidents within Nigeria with the intent of making safety recommendation to prevent recurrence of a similar accident in future.

Its functions are:
•To conduct investigation into any accident or incident arising out of or in the course of air navigation and either occurring in or over Nigeria or occurring elsewhere as applicable to an aircraft registered in Nigeria or operated by Nigerian operator;

•To gather record and analyze relevant information on air safety data, in particular, for accident or incident prevention purposes, in so far as those functions do not affect its independence and entail no responsibility in regulatory, administrative or standards matters;

•To issue safety recommendations;

•To determine the causes and/or contributory cause of an accident; and

•To compile, complete, publicize the final report of any accident or incident.


 The Nigerian Meteorological Agency is discussed next.

Headed By: A Director-General/ CEO
Current Director: Prof. Sani Abubakar Mashi
It has the mandate to advise the government on all aspects of meteorology (weather and climate) and to provide services to various sectors of the national economy.

Its functions are to:
•Provide the information and forecast on the weather in Nigeria; and

•Advice the Government and also the general public on issues related to weather and climate.

Finally but not least of worth mentioning is the Nigerian College of Aviation.

Headed By: A Rector
Current Rector: Capt. Mohammed Abdulsalami
NCAT is responsible for performing training on Aviation personnel.

Its primary function is to train aviation professionals in Nigeria. Other functions are:

•To provide Civil Aviation courses for use in flight training or airport operations & management as may be prescribed from time to time;

•Training of approved persons in the installation, maintenance and operation, as the case may be, of technical equipment, the use of which is calculated or likely to increase the margin of operational safety of civil aircraft; and

•Training on equipment and necessary facilities for technical research or normal use.
It is imperative to mention that these Agencies work hand in hand to ensure international best practices in the aviation sector.

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